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Sailing holiday guides, inspiring itineraries, yacht model reviews, top holiday tips for chartering a boat and much more. Whether you’re new to yachting, or an experienced sailor looking for something more advanced, you are in the right place!
Note from the editor

Sailing holiday guides, inspiring itineraries, yacht model reviews, top holiday tips for chartering a boat and much more. Whether you’re new to yachting, or an experienced sailor looking for something more advanced, you are in the right place!

Go to the profile of Elpida Barbaresou
Elpida Barbaresou
Experienced yacht charter broker and avid sailor who loves to travel, explore new destinations and share yacht charter holiday and travel tips. @Yacht4Less
Go to the profile of Sarah Baker
Sarah Baker
Growing up in Rhode Island, Sarah has always been passionate about the sea. She enjoys traveling to exotic islands and spending time by the water
Go to the profile of Meredith Shubel
Meredith Shubel
Meredith is a a B2B copywriter, technical writer, and blogger specializing in tech, SaaS, and health.
Go to the profile of Elpida Barbaresou
Elpida Barbaresou
Experienced yacht charter broker and avid sailor who loves to travel, explore new destinations and share yacht charter holiday and travel tips. @Yacht4Less