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Ansible Custom Facts (Part 2)

Creating Custom Ansible Variables

In my previous Ansible Facts (Part 1) post, I gave a quick rundown on accessing the basic Dynamically Discovered System Variables that Ansible gathers during the setup phase if gather_facts: true

Ansible Facts (Part 1)

Dynamically Discovered System Variables

In my last post, Out with Opsworks, In with Terraform, I talked a bit about migrating to a Packer + Ansible + Terraform portion of the CI/CD workflow for a client that I am working on. I’ll be…

AWS Solutions Architect — Associate

I recently achieved my AWS Solutions Architect — Associate certification (YPK285XK1JVQ1JWL) on Dec 12, 2017 after hands-on experience, self-study and leveraging a Linux Academy learning path. I am currently working toward my AWS Solutions Architect — Professional…

CEO / Founder - Locus Innovations. AWS Solutions Architect trying to keep up with the singularity while striving for a work-life balance.
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