Samebug has a large collection of crashes from the web: stack traces with a web…
Are you curious how the world feels right now? I am, so we will implement a pretty…
Inspired by this year’s Stack Overflow Developer Survey results we’ve investigated Samebug’s site usage data. We do not have a question similar to the one in the SO survey about when developers wake up or how much time they spend daily on their computer but…
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException is one of the most frequent exceptions in Java. It is a runtime error, however, it does not signal a bug in your application logic, but rather an issue with the environment (build system, dependency management, runtime environment, etc.).
debug automated, stay focused on code
Samebug is a Java Exception Search Engine and Database built by programmers, dedicated to helping other programmers. This means that you are able to copy…
Sending out emails is done manually if you need to write only a few. For marketing and…
These were the top 10 stories published by samebug; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, and 2018.