Top Stories published by Blog by Sami Honkonen in 2011

The Responsibility Process

The most useful session I attended at the Agile 2011 conference was Christopher Avery’s session on The Responsibility Process. Arto Eskelinen from Reaktor had already explained the responsibility process to me and it is a part of our session “Effective Coaching Questions”, but…

More vision, fewer problems

David Rock, in his book Quiet Leadership, explains a model to help you focus your discussions and thoughts. I’ve found it very useful so I’d like to share it with you.

The areas of focus are:

  1. Vision (e.g. What do we want to…

The world of possibility

I was completely blown away by this inspirational talk by Benjamin Zander, the music director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. During the talk he teaches a 15-year-old cellist to focus more on the music and less on the playing. However, this talk is not really about playing the…

Always successful? You need to try harder!

Today is National Fail Day in Finland! How amazing! Congrats to the organizers for such a magnificent idea. They have understood one of the most important lessons in life: failure is an opportunity. Failure is an opportunity to see things differently, to…

Blog by Sami Honkonen
Sami Honkonen writing on how the nature of work has changed and how the governing principles must change with it.
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