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Getting some thinking time with Google

Google recently published their latest, quarterly, themed, online newsletter, Think With Google. This quarter’s edition focuses on different aspects of “play” in the digital and offline marketing space. Don’t miss the article on how the company, Crayola, is…


So, I received a Google+ invitation from a friend last week (I was complaining on Facebook) and I actually signed up for it. Since I had an existing Google account, the sign up process was a breeze — it took me 5 minutes or so to populate all my basic information on my profile and that was it.

How much is too much?

Social networking is a great way to keep you connected, and I am sure most of you have a Facebook account (at the very least) whether you update it often or not. According to the latest figures, the average online user in the U.S. now spends nearly 16% of his or her time on social…