Top Stories published by Samsao in 2015

5 Good Reasons for Switching to Mortar

After working on two projects with Mortar/Flow and later Mortar-Architect and refactoring an old project from traditional Activity/Fragment structure into it, it is time for me to give back to the Android community.

How good is Swift? My first impressions

As many know, last year, Apple released its new programming language, Swift, and since then they put a lot of efforts in making the language more and more popular among iOS developers, specially newcomers. Here we are now, with Swift running for a little bit…

Règles d’or pour une application mobile réussie

Cet article a initialement été publié dans le Grenier aux nouvelles du 11 mai 2015

Depuis ses débuts, l’industrie du mobile connait une croissance spectaculaire. En 2014, les développeurs iOS se sont partagés une cagnotte…