Go to San Francisco Digital & Data Services
San Francisco Digital & Data Services
making it easier for SF to deliver great services sf.gov/departments/city-administrator/digital-services
Note from the editor

Making services accessible and easy to use for everyone. https://digitalservices.sfgov.org/

Go to the profile of Jane Gong
Jane Gong
Deputy Chief Digital Services Officer for the City and County of San Francisco
Go to the profile of Elise Hansell
Elise Hansell
Policy & Ops @SF Digital and Data Services. GSPP alum '22. Formerly @SF Dept. on the Status of Women
Go to the profile of Cyd Harrell
Cyd Harrell
has opinions about institutions & civic tech. currently CDSO at City & County of SF; alum of 18F, Code for America, CA judicial branch & Bolt | Peters
Go to the profile of Jane Gong
Jane Gong
Deputy Chief Digital Services Officer for the City and County of San Francisco
Go to the profile of Persis Howe
Persis Howe
Content Strategy for the City of San Francisco. Formerly @gdsteam and #ConCon. @persishowe
Go to the profile of Nicole Lee
Nicole Lee
Designer at San Francisco Digital Services
Go to the profile of Jamie L. Richardson
Jamie L. Richardson
Jamie has served as the San Francisco Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs’ Senior Communications Specialist since 2015.
Go to the profile of Adrianna Tan
Adrianna Tan
Product Director for San Francisco Digital Services
Go to the profile of San Francisco Digital Services
San Francisco Digital Services
San Francisco Digital Services works with other City departments to improve public services. We use technology to make it easier for people to get things done.
Go to the profile of Christina Lutz Hatfield
Christina Lutz Hatfield
Designer at San Francisco Digital Services
Go to the profile of Bekah Otto
Bekah Otto
Content strategist with San Francisco Digital Services. Formerly @babylist @dictionarycom @atlasobscura and @mcsweeneys (She, her.)
Go to the profile of Nadine Levin
Go to the profile of Graham Gardner
Graham Gardner
Civic service designer with SF Digital and Data Services
Go to the profile of Tania Jogesh
Tania Jogesh
Data Scientist, City and County of San Francisco