Hypermedia REST API using Spring HATEOAS

Representational state transfer ( REST), a term coined by Roy Fielding in 2000, is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. Web services that follow the REST architectural style are known as…

Reverse Proxy Using Jetty/Undertow

Undertow is an extremely lightweight flexible performant web server written in java, providing both blocking and non-blocking API’s based on NIO.

Jetty is another lightweight embeddable web server and servlet container.

Install Nginx, PHP-FPM, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on OS X

An Apache, MySQL, PHP stack is really easy to setup on a Mac. MAMP is a very easy solution to achieve this. Apache can be replaced with the lightweight Nginx server and an NMP stack can be created, but may take a little more time to set…

Sandwich Bytes
Sandwich Bytes
Between 1 and 0
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