Celeste in the Mirror

~ Sarah D ~
5 min readNov 18, 2023


Photo Credit: Unsplash

This story is a response to the Reedsy writing prompt entitled-” Write a story about a character who one day notices that their reflection has taken on a life of its own.”

One day Celeste was looking in the mirror keenly. She couldn’t help but notice that her reflection was indeed larger than life. Or appeared to be, at least. She took a step closer to the mirror and saw that the reflection of her was indeed smarter. Her eyes too seemed to be more beautiful and slightly larger. Her hair seemed more lustrous. Her lips seemed fuller and more pink.

Celeste usually sat on her bed after she woke up, and looked at her diary. But today instead of doing that, she walked all the way up to her mirror, as though her mirror was indeed calling her. And she followed the feeling, she went right up to the mirror and saw what she saw- herself.

But Celeste really felt like her reflection appeared like a larger-than-life version of her. She knew there was indeed something different about the way she appeared that day. She decided to rid herself of the thought and have a productive day as usual.

Celeste went to school that day as usual. She loved her high school which was just 10 minutes away from where she lived. As soon as she reached the classroom, her friend Anna was there waiting for her.

“Anna, do you know I noticed something strange about my reflection in the mirror today?” Celeste said.

“What did you notice that was different about yourself?” Anna said with a smile.

“I noticed that my eyes were slightly larger than they normally were, and overall I looked twice as good-looking,” Celeste said.

“Oh, maybe it’s your doppelganger,” Anna said, trying to be funny.

Celeste and Anna really had fun that day talking during class about what Celeste had seen in the mirror that day. “There were more classes that mentioned Leonardo Da Vinci and the Mona Lisa than usual today, which makes it even more creepy,” Anna said at the end of the day while walking home from school.

“Well, maybe it has something to do with new possibilities?” Celeste thought out loud.

“Possibly it is a sign from God that I need to look at life in a larger-than-life manner if I want things to be phenomenally different?” Celeste said again, replying to her own question.

The two girls walked home happily while they talked, and they decided to stop by a large tree on the way home. This tree had lots of flowers, like in autumn. Celeste took out her phone, and without telling Anna, looked at her reflection again.

She didn’t know whether she was seeing things, but when she smiled she felt she looked extra-ordinarily beautiful. She took a selfie and posted it on Instagram without a filter. She wondered if people would see what she saw when she posted the picture. She wondered what Anna would say as well when she saw it.

Celeste got home and hugged her mum and dad. Then she went to her room and put her bag and jacket in their respective places. After that, since she was hungry she decided to have lunch with her parents.

At sat down at lunch at the table with her parents, because they liked eating together. With an excited tone, she told her parents about what she had seen in the mirror that morning.

“Mum, I noticed that in the mirror today, my eyes looked larger than life, and my face looked even more good looking overall. Do you think God has something to do with it?” she asked her mother.

Her mother replied by saying “God has been known to give his chosen few the courage to seek their path in life. It is possible that what you saw in the mirror today is something you cannot explain. But if you pray God will give you an answer.”

Celeste took her mother seriously. She went to her room and found her Bible. Someone had told her that the Psalms of David were the best place to start. She decided to flip the pages randomly to see if some lucky verse was waiting for her.

Her eyes fell on Psalm 6:9 “The Lord has heard my supplication. The lord will receive my prayer” and with that, she felt satisfied. It was almost like God knew about what she was trying to ask. And that she was going to get an answer to her question soon.

Celeste decided to do as her friend Anna had said after school. She decided that she would do everything with a larger-than-life energy, just so she could have something phenomenally different happen to her. She too felt she had it in her, to do things, and go places. So she stayed true to what Anna had said, and to what she read in the Bible as well.

She took out her books and re-read what was discussed in class. She also skimmed through her notes so they would be easier to recollect. She decided that from today onwards, she would put in more effort than usual into her work so that people would appreciate her for more than just her pretty face.

That night Celeste fell asleep amidst her books in her bed. She had a beautiful dream in which she saw someone who looked like Jesus Christ. He was smiling and looked unusually handsome. He said to her “I have heard you. I accept what you have said” and with that, she woke up. She realized that it was 6:55 a.m. She had woken up even before her alarm bell had rung.

She then got up lazily to go do things and get ready for school. She looked in the mirror and saw the same thing again. Larger than life beauty. She prayed the same lines from the Bible, hoping God could help her fulfill them. She knew that God had indeed shown her something about herself that she had not previously known. That she could be the woman in the mirror. Celeste and all that Celeste was meant to be.

Like the way I write, and wanna see more? Here are some links to fiction stories I candidly wrote on medium:

  1. Finding out the Love of your life is Royalty
  2. A Story About Another Story
  3. A Day With Your Boyfriend At Your Boring Work From Home Job

I am also a published author that wrote a book that’s on Amazon. The book entitled ‘His Lingering Perfume’ was rated 5 stars by a couple of folks, and I reccommend this book as its a really quick read, and easy to finish.

If you’re feeling like it, you could show me some love ❤ and add to my tip jar

Have a Great Day!

