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Version Management — asdf
Version Management — asdf
Hello folks I hope you all are doing well! In this article, we are going to see asdf. With asdf, developers can easily install and switch…
Satvik Goyal
Jul 9
Set up CI/CD for Rails app using GitHub actions <> AWS Beanstalk ☁️
Set up CI/CD for Rails app using GitHub actions <> AWS Beanstalk ☁️
In this article, I’m going to demonstrate to you how easily you can set up CI/CD for Rails app with AWS elastic beanstalk.
Sandesh Bodke
Sep 13, 2020
Official Blogs from ScaleReal
Dependency Management — Pipenv
Dependency Management — Pipenv
Hello folks I hope you all are doing well! In this article, we are going to see Pipenv, Pipenv is a new way for us to combine package…
Satvik Goyal
Jun 9
Dependency Management — PIP
Dependency Management — PIP
Welcome to the dawn of a new era of Django Setup 2024! Get ready to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery as we uncover the…
Satvik Goyal
Jun 9
Dependency management in Python -2024
Dependency management in Python -2024
Welcome to the dawn of a new era of Django Setup 2024! Get ready to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery as we uncover the…
Satvik Goyal
Jun 4
Mastering Sprint Planning: Analyzing the Root Cause of Sprint Failure
Mastering Sprint Planning: Analyzing the Root Cause of Sprint Failure
Even with careful planning, sprints can fail to meet their objectives, leaving teams frustrated and stakeholders dissatisfied.
Atul Shashikumar
Feb 12
Generative AI Essentials for Project Managers: A Beginner’s Guide
Generative AI Essentials for Project Managers: A Beginner’s Guide
Similar to other business functions, Generative AI will be a game-changer in project management. It can help automate routine tasks…
Mamata Joshi
Jan 12
What are the different stages of Startup Funding?
What are the different stages of Startup Funding?
The different stages of funding for startups and businesses typically correspond to various rounds of investment as a company grows and…
Atul Shashikumar
Oct 20, 2023
The Transition of ScaleReal’s Performance Review Process
The Transition of ScaleReal’s Performance Review Process
As companies evolve and grow, so do their performance review processes. ScaleReal, a company that started with just 3 people and has now…
Atul Shashikumar
Aug 16, 2023
Exploring Terraform’s New Feature: Import Blocks in Version 1.5
Exploring Terraform’s New Feature: Import Blocks in Version 1.5
Terraform, the popular infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp, has continued to evolve to meet the growing demands of…
Rahil Khan
Jul 19, 2023
Creating a Successful Release Plan — Template
Creating a Successful Release Plan — Template
A project release plan is a document that outlines the timeline for the completion and delivery of a project to its stakeholders. It…
Mamata Joshi
May 5, 2023
Former2: GUI to Generate and Import Infrastructure Resources to IAC Tools.
Former2: GUI to Generate and Import Infrastructure Resources to IAC Tools.
As I have covered one of the infrastructure importing tool in the last article of mine that I have published its called Terraformer. It is…
Rahil Khan
Apr 11, 2023
Integration of Google Maps with React | Part 2
Integration of Google Maps with React | Part 2
In the last blog, we explored the integration part and some of the basic features of Google Maps Javascript API. If you haven’t read it…
Prathamesh Gunde
Apr 5, 2023
Million Tweets and Counting: How Snscrape Can Help You Scrape Big Data on Twitter!
Million Tweets and Counting: How Snscrape Can Help You Scrape Big Data on Twitter!
Snscrape is a scraper for social networking services (SNS). It scrapes things like user profiles, hashtags, or searches and returns the…
Akash Shrivastava
Apr 3, 2023
React Progressive Web App
React Progressive Web App
How to create PWA apps with React for specific screens or routes or dynamic routes.
Pradip Bhusnar
Mar 23, 2023
Understanding Django Channels | Part 1
Understanding Django Channels | Part 1
Hello, Django Mavericks and PyNinjas I hope you are all doing well.
Meet Patel
Jan 12, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Using Social Login in Django
The Ultimate Guide to Using Social Login in Django
Hey, there fellow Djangomers and Pythonistas,
Akash Shrivastava
Dec 21, 2022
Understanding Celery Part 1: Why to use Celery? and What is Celery?
Understanding Celery Part 1: Why to use Celery? and What is Celery?
When someone says, “Use Celery to offload the time-consuming tasks”, have you ever thought that what exactly Celery does here to offload…
Nishant Handge
Dec 14, 2022
Integration of Google Maps with React | Part 1
Integration of Google Maps with React | Part 1
While working on one of our projects at ScaleReal, We faced a lot of challenges in figuring out a few things regarding Google Map features…
Prathamesh Gunde
Nov 8, 2022
Manage AWS S3 files in React front-end with the help of Okta Securely
Manage AWS S3 files in React front-end with the help of Okta Securely
How to upload or list files from the s3 bucket using okta credentials.
Pradip Bhusnar
Oct 19, 2022
Push Notifications through Django
Push Notifications through Django
Hey, there fellow Djangomers and Pythonistas,
Akash Shrivastava
Sep 28, 2022
Send Emails with SendGrid API using Micronaut with Kotlin Coroutines
Send Emails with SendGrid API using Micronaut with Kotlin Coroutines
What is Coroutine?
Aug 29, 2022
Design patterns with Kotlin Part 2
Design patterns with Kotlin Part 2
What is Structural Design Pattern? Structural design patterns explain how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures while …
Sandesh Bodke
Aug 16, 2022
How to connect GitHub actions to AWS without sharing secrets.
How to connect GitHub actions to AWS without sharing secrets.
At ScaleReal we use the Github Actions workflow for CI/CD purposes extensively. Normally, for authentication of GitHub workflow with a…
Sachin Chougule
May 25, 2022
Design patterns with Kotlin Part 1
Design patterns with Kotlin Part 1
Design patterns are typical solutions to common problems in software design. Each pattern is a blueprint that you can customize to solve a…
Sandesh Bodke
May 9, 2022
How Next.js helps to improve SEO
How Next.js helps to improve SEO
While working on one of our projects at ScaleReal, I came across some accessibility issues. Our web application was not easily accessible…
Prathamesh Gunde
Apr 12, 2022
Class Components Vs. Functional Components in ReactJS
Class Components Vs. Functional Components in ReactJS
This article will help you understand the real difference between Class Components and Functional Components in React Js.
Piyush Rajput
Mar 3, 2022
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