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Schizocities is a research project about globalized identities and the way they circulate. The focus is on the delicate balance between creativity and conformity, imagination and optimization.
Note from the editor

My name is Nicola Bozzi and I’ve been writing around for a while, as both a journalist and researcher. I’m mostly interested in globalised identities and the role of art in society. Schizocities features bits of my academic research (Tagging Critique), some stuff I’ve written over the years (Portfolio), sporadic news about things I do (Updates), and a CV of sorts (Me). I also have a newsletter about comedy, media, and culture (letdown comedy). You can follow @schizocities on Twitter and Instagram as well.

Go to the profile of Nicola Bozzi
Nicola Bozzi
Afternoon person, eternal beginner. Research on platformed identities and social media aesthetics. Writing about arts, media & cities. Serious about comedy.
Go to the profile of Nicola Bozzi
Nicola Bozzi
Afternoon person, eternal beginner. Research on platformed identities and social media aesthetics. Writing about arts, media & cities. Serious about comedy.