
A poem

Fọlábòmí Àmọ̀ó
Published in
Dec 27, 2020


Photo by Hamidreza Torabi on Unsplash

Our love
has grown
since we kissed

under that tree
a few Christmases ago

I have seen
your kindness

I have seen
your love

I have seen
your fire

the burning red
of your soul

I have seen
your passion

the flaming desires
of your heart

I have seen it all
on every day

since you made a home
in my heart

And If I have to
dig through the snow

just to
get to you
I will!

Just to be
in the comfort
of your warm embrace.

This poem was published as part of the Christmas 2020 writing challenge. Discover the three winning poems and the gifts that were distributed for the occasion. Subscribe to The Story Box just below to make sure you don’t miss the next writing prompt. Thanks for your reading!

