The Best of Scribe’s Writers

The publication’s amazing writers showcase their work, updated constantly. An article to bookmark!

Thomas Gaudex


Photo by Philip Oroni on Unsplash

A colorful and creative new year! That’s all I wish for the brilliant writers of Medium, as I tell it here! And if there’s one place where the first days of 2023 are anything but gray and gloomy, it’s on Scribe!

Those of you who subscribe to Scribe’s newsletter published every Saturday (nearly 2500 subscribers to date) already know this, but you may not be one of them. While I encourage you to subscribe (it’s free and good for morale), I wanted to write a few words in advance of what’s to come, so that everyone can enjoy it to the fullest!

To celebrate the talented writers who made the publication shine in 2022, I created this collection: Scribe 2022 ✨ 100+ Poems and Stories to Wander and be Moved. For the new year I wanted to do more, so that this time each writer who wishes to do so has the opportunity to highlight his or her own work, permanently, and prominently on the publication’s homepage.

So I invited the writers to create a list of some of their best pieces (or their favorites, the choice is theirs) and to send it to me by email. The idea is that this list is not frozen in time but is continually updated with their new stories and poems. The…



Thomas Gaudex

Writer | Poet | Editor of Scribe | Literature and Nature help me breathe |