Go to Sense Yourself
Sense Yourself
an exploration of the 5 senses and how mindfulness can lead to a more intentional life
Note from the editor

The idea behind this publication is to spend each week exploring one of the 5 senses and relating it to our journeys of mindfulness and intentional living. It is a very human endeavor to attempt to improve one’s own life through the action of paying closer attention to it, and I am not the first person to try and do so. Together we will examine our history’s examples of how this has occurred, as well as what this form of spirituality looks like today. Although the nature of mindfulness is a deeply personal one, without the human connection behind it, the practice would be almost impossible. “By tending to ourselves we tend to the world, by tending to the world we tend to ourselves.” This is the quote that inspired me to seek out a more meditative life, and it will be a driving force of my writing. So join me every week in focusing on one of the senses- touch, taste, smell, sight or hearing. We will focus on this sense, dive into the history of activities that relate to this sense, and discover how we can use it to live more intentionally. Hope you all enjoy : )

Go to the profile of Madi
student. writer. seeking unique perspectives on common occurrences.