Vittorio Joosten
Sentinel Chain
Published in
7 min readNov 19, 2018


Monthly Highlights — October 2018

The Tech Page Update:

CrossPay App Development Updates

1. We released CrossPay 2.0.3 — a much more stable version of the app which we have released for user testing in Myanmar. The training workshop on CrossPay app, for Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department and Myanma Insurance (MI) officers was successfully conducted on October 15th.

2. Livestock insurance feature has been enhanced to enable auditing of insurance creation for future audit on issuance of livestock insurance in CrossPay.

3. Insurance flow implementation is completed in CrossPay. With this feature, farmers can now accept or deny the insurance premium amount quoted by MI.

4. Completed review of feedback session obtained during the CrossPay training session with LBVD and MI conducted on the 15 October 2018.

5. The design to improve user accessibility to livestock detail has been completed.

2. Country Updates


CLUB AGTECH ARGENTINA hosted two webinar sessions. The sessions were delivered by InfoCorp Latam’s staff. The first session was related to livestock tokenization (on 27th Sept) and the second session was about livestock traceability (on 4th October). Both webinars saw audiences of over 50 people, mostly representatives from the agriculture industry. They were all very keen to gain a better understanding of the transformation brought about by blockchain and how InfoCorp is carrying it out.

InfoCorp Argentina

InfoCorp Latam was selected as the Startup of The Month on 17th October 2018 — You can review the original article here. Congratulations to Bernardo and Maxi!

3. PR, Marketing and Events


  1. 5 October 2018: Sentinel Chain presented its first public release of “Orion”, its testnet blockchain and completing stage 4 of its project milestone. As Wikipedia puts it: “Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous[1] and recognizable constellations in the night sky”. This is an amazing analogy of the idea behind Orion the constellation, and Sentinel Chain’s Orion, a blockchain hub to interconnect people and markets throughout the world. The team aims to provide enthusiasts and developers with an ecosystem full of state-of-the-art features and services to interact with its core business platform to bring unbanked communities out of financial exclusion. Click here to view the whole article.
  2. New CFO: It is important to bring the best practises from traditional fiduciary management to create a healthy system of risk management and control that is relevant for the crypto industry. Recently, we introduced to you our new CFO, Chris Ong. Backed by rich experience, and underpinned by a heart in the right place: “I am particularly touched and moved by InfoCorp, with its noble and unique vision of applying the blockchain technology to serve the unbanked and underserved communities globally. I am enthusiastic and convinced that this is a most meaningful and worthwhile mission…” Tell us what you think of the team we are putting in place.
  3. New CCO: What does our “New Entrepreneur Award” by EYA mean to you? Quality leadership? We are building up the team, and we were happy to announce that Kok Cheang-hung joined the InfoCorp family on the 23rd as Chief Commercial Officer, you can read all about his background and the talents he brings onboard here.


  1. Blockchain Fair Asia: Our CEO Roy Lai shared the Sentinel Chain project at Blockchain Fair Asia, Philippines’ largest and most star-studded blockchain conference. Did we manage to see how long we could last in a ‘tech-round’ with Manny Pacquiao? Unfortunately not…

We were proud and humbled that the organisers were excited about our award by EYA and even announced it in introducing Roy. Participants and audiences alike came up to Roy after his presentation to say that they heard about Sentinel Chain through word of mouth, and had also watched the panel session at Consensus Singapore where he had recently been invited to speak.

2. For your re-viewing pleasure: Roy bring Sentinel Chain on CNBC:You can see Roy on at “Crypto Trader — The world’s first televised cryptocurrency show”. Watch from 43m:28s.

3. CONSENSUS: Coindesk has released all videos of Consensus Singapore on their website. Our panel session is video no. 16: Microcredit for cattle and distributed compute markets: Novel approaches to financial inclusion with blockchains — Consensus: Singapore 2018. Re-watch it here:

4. Speaking at National University of Singapore: We were invited to speak on the 17th October 2018 to a group of Chinese enterprises from Guangzhou, at the National University of Singapore (NUS) — Risk Management Institute, on blockchain’s disruptive innovation, artificial intelligence, big data, financial risk management, development of blockchain technology in Singapore and its regulation. We also shared about Sentinel Chain as a real-life use case for blockchain and a hands-on session on how to create a crypto wallet and open an exchange account.

(Tang speaking on Blockchain Applications and Usage at the Risk Management Institute in National University of Singapore)

5. InfoCorp Spanish Website: InfoCorp’s website lately has been updated to reflect achievements of past few months. Check out the new section dedicated to audiences in LATAM, in Spanish, ‘si’! See it here.


Entrepreneur of the Year Award (EYA)

  1. We are very excited to share about Roy being nominated for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award here in Singapore! You can find out more about the event here:
  2. Responsibilities around the Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2018 has kept us very busy. We have been addressing questions from journalists from the two main Singapore dailies, The Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao, keen for their audiences to learn all about InfoCorp and Sentinel Chain. Straits Times sent their photographer over last week to photograph Roy. We hope you’ll enjoy reading all about it on 22nd November — YES! That’s the date that Roy will pick up his trophy, following the certificate received on 10 October which we had shared earlier. So do stay tuned.
  3. Entrepreneur of the filming: As part of the publicity for our CEO Roy as Winner of New Entrepreneur Award, a camera crew visited our office in Singapore to film team at work. This will be aired on Channel News Asia sometime soon! Stay tuned for updates.

(Roy Lai detailing aspects of InfoCorp’s operations during the session with Channel News Asia staff with CH, Ling Soon, Tang and Valerie sitting in)

Myanmar Flood Relief Programme

Here’s the dual-language speech delivered by our colleague Tang who went to Bago to attend the donation presentation event organised by our charity partner, Border Areas Development Association (BDA).

We organised a small donation drive to help the people who were severely impacted by the floods. The Myanmar Flood Relief Programme, took place from 13th to 15th August 2018. Through these efforts, we raised a total of 30.32 ETH, which we converted to SGD11,709 / USD8,500. We thank all those who have participated and supported in this programme. You can access to the project completion report here.

Social Media

  1. Facebook: And where better to share news than on our Facebook page where you’ll find all our updates? Facebook is where each and all of us who likely have an account can share our news and views, and also forward to our own communities, and spread our (yes, yours and ours) shared vision so that like-minded people will join us in our multi-stakeholder business model to do very well by doing a lot of good. You know that with partnerships, awareness and education can we create the means to break the cycle of poverty, and consequently, alleviate hunger, enable better health and access to education, etc., all amongst the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Together, we can do it at speed and scale. Click here to get to our Facebook.

Sentinel Chain Chinese Medium Page: Last but not least, we have also worked for months to bring our news in Chinese to Medium. Visit our Sentinel Chain Chinese page here.


Website (InfoCorp):

Website (InfoCorp) (Spanish):


Medium (Chinese):









