Day 4: Building an Agency like a Spartan

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
4 min readMay 21, 2017

The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!! (Remember???)

Spartans used to be THE Bad Asses of the Ancient Greece. Just think about it… imagine a nation where every single soldier is a kick Ass Warrior braver than John Rambo + Chuck Norris…

Ready for War. Ready to Fight. #NO EXCUSES

You think McGregor is though? Think Twice. Think Spartan x10

I honestly think we need more Spartans in this world, we need more cojones, we need less feelings, less “triggers”, less tears, we need less dramas and we need more action.
Stop telling me how you feel and instead start writing, create, building, hiring, selling, helping, evolving…

Yes, let’s stop worrying about likes, followers, about what “people” think and let’s just PUSH AHEAD… like a BLOODY SPARTAN MATE! ←- Please note the Australian influence in that last sentence.

So screw Political correctness and let’s build an agency , shall we?

4th day building Goanna Social

To build an agency as an son/daughter of SPARTA we need to embrace 4 core characteristics Spartans used to have.

1. Fear Shame

Failing sucks…. but failing it’s okay, because failing is part of life, part of battle.
What is not acceptable, is failing like a coward.

Think about Troy — the movie — with Brad Pitt as Achilles… and the scene were Paris battles Menelaus.
The battle is a sad representation of Paris and brings SHAME to the Trojans… why? Mainly because Paris is a coward, he gives up, he doesn’t fight, he doesn’t man up.
He fails… and his coward failure brings shame to himself and his people.

There is nothing worse than SHAME.

It’s not about losing or winning… is about losing without the honour of a proper battle.

So In Startup Life ==> Be like the Spartans — → don’t be like Paris (he was a pussy)

2. Be a Bad Ass…. say hello to Hardship

Spartans knew from the gecko that they had to be though. Think about it… they were a smaller nation, with less resources, surrounded by big ass Giants that were ready to destroy them.

They had one option: be small and shy, or be though and face their weaknesses and embrace their strengths.

Spartans knew that sooner or later other nations, kings, empires will try to crush them, so instead of working on their weaknesses, they took advantage of what they had.

They trained harder.
They started younger.
They never stopped.
They had complete ownership of their actions, their future, their discipline.

3. Lean, fast… avoid extra baggage

Spartans were humble in nature — because you can be humble and have a kick ass confidence at the same time.
Spartans spent their energy in the important stuff, in fact SPARTA weren’t rich or opulent people, they were LEAN, like a bad ass startup should be.

Good Swords. Good training. Decent Food and a lot of training. (that’s enough)

They were masters of the basic moves, and instead of trying to find the next gadget, strategy or tool, they work on the basics, in the 101 of battle, in the primal moves.

4. They fight for love. For Family.

Spartans didn’t conquer land to follow their ego. Spartans fought for one thing: their loved ones. Their family.

Yes… think of the Spartans as the Cast of the Fast and the Furious… it was all about “family” … family… all about family,….

And was that obsession with “family” that helped them understand their priorities. When you have clarity in who inspires you… doubt and fear become easier to control.
Our commitment for our loved ones makes us stronger.

So overall, the lesson of the day is one: You can’t build nice things without being a bad ass… and if you fear shame, embrace hardship, stay lean and humble and love your family… you will be in right path to build something worth talking about.

Day #4 Stats Goanna Social

Day #4 Hours worked: 5

Overal Hours worked: 23

Funds: $19846.25 AUD

Spent : 79.13 AUD (wordPress Theme)

Income : $0

Phone calls: 0

Emails sent: 5

FB / Lead generation interaction: 0

Active Leads: 2

Proposals sent: 1 (yeah!!! First proposal sent! )

Feeling: Focused — -> In Peace

86 days to go.

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders