Platform: PC (win/mac/nux)Type: dungeon crawl twinstick rogueishOPEN THYNE PARCHMENT TO GAZE INTO THE DEPTHES; >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Legal drugs are all the rage, but it seems like drugs just aren’t becoming legal fast enough for…
There’s a new Middle Earth game coming out! Shadows of War; the sequel to the wildly successful Shadows of Mordor comes out probably later this year, possibly next month. The first game was praised for it’s inventive use of Tolkien’s world, but…
There’s a new mini console coming, the SNES classic, to be released later this year…
Need replacement covers for your used video games? Did the dog eat your box art? Need…
With the rising popularity of VR headsets kids today are entering a “Virtual world” known only to their eyes. How can parents keep them safe from the dangers of VR? The first step is to learn the lingo. Here are 7 VR terms every parent needs to know.