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Sermo Humilis
Humble Speech
Gravity and the Grand Design
Gravity and the Grand Design
Everybody has a god, it’s inescapable. Whether it’s yourself, an author, celebrity or your dad, there is something at the top of…
David Trounce
Oct 11, 2020
A fading beauty steps into a hip city cafe. Her brow filled with botox, eyes and lips coated in Monsanto’s finest. Her hair and nails look…
David Trounce
Jun 12, 2019
Keeping up with the Cool Kids
Keeping up with the Cool Kids
Today, a woman in her 20th week of pregnancy wanders down to the clinic to have her baby destroyed. Our culture will comfort this woman…
David Trounce
Jun 3, 2019
When We Fall
When We Fall
Have you ever fallen into sin so badly that you began to wonder if Jesus could ever look at you, much less welcome you again? You’ve made…
David Trounce
Jun 3, 2019
The Offence of the Righteous
The Offence of the Righteous
I know of a young man who was fined for preaching the gospel (“holding a religious service”) without a permit on a street corner in my…
David Trounce
May 22, 2019
Mothers ~ Makers of Humanity
Mothers ~ Makers of Humanity
Intrigue or value. A week in the Bahamas or a bin full of dirty nappies. A company car and cocktails in Double Bay or split ends, a runny…
David Trounce
May 10, 2019
Feasting with Laughter
Feasting with Laughter
The hospitality of encouraging words does not always have to be grey or dull. Take communion as but one example of the many feasts we…
David Trounce
May 6, 2019
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