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This is what Apple should tell you when you lose your iPhone
Joonas Kiminki

This is a real world example of how an EV Certificate has helped prevent potential identity theft via a stolen iPhone.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificates are issued to companies that have completed additional vetting. Proving they are a registered company or organisation, they have publicly listed contact information and…

Protecting your SSL website from phishing

Installing an SSL certificate on your website helps convince your website visitors that your website is safe and secure. Data between your site and the visitors system is encrypted. As website visitors have become more security conscious about phishing…

EV SSL Browser Based Attack

There has been some recent coverage about a security flaw in EV SSL certificates. I think it is worth pointing out the facts (as I see them) of this “flaw”. 
Firstly there is no security flaw in Extended Validation SSL Certificates. The certificates still function correctly…