Climbing Mount Indigestible

I previously introduced the work I’d done with the Rupert Shepherd at the National Gallery on a publication…

How (cookie) consent management works

This is episode six of the Great Cookie Conundrum series, and we’re getting down to business. We’ve seen a few good and bad implementations in previous posts, but if you looking at using a cookie control/management tool on your website, what do you need to look

Judgement day

In episode five of the Great Cookie Conundrum series I get opinionated. “Oh at last!” you cry. It’s a quick trip of a variety of bad

Giving back control

In the fourth post in the Great Cookie Conundrum series we’ll get explicit about what you need to do to make your site one of the good guys, and what’s more to make it legal.

In previous posts we looked at how the use of cookies and related tech is affected by GDPR…

Technologists and ethos

Recently Koven Smith blogged a thought-provoking article that he’d contributed to Museum about the seeming absence of ethical concerns from too many decisions about the use of technology in museums. “At museums”, he wrote, “technologists once built solutions largely from scratch; now…