3 Traits of a Porn Imitator

Do you act like an amateur porn star in bed?

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by tatyana.sibcode.com on DepositPhotos

When I recently did an article about the characteristics of a bad sex partner, licensed marriage and family therapist Natalie Finegood Goldberg told me about a kind of partner that I thought was both hilarious and intriguing: The porn imitator, which she described this way: “Someone who thinks they are living in a porn film and acts accordingly — this applies to both men and women. This can include over-the-top acting and dramatic sex noises.”

I had to know more, in part because I had a neighbor from hell once who, at least based on the sounds I heard coming from his place, seemed to fit the bill of the porn imitator. I also wanted to get more insights about what the porn imitator is doing in bed and what it’s like to be with a person like that. When she further elaborated on the topic, the following traits emerged.

“I think you see this a lot with young women trying to look super sexy while they’re giving a blow job.”

The Porn Imitator Is Overly Dramatic

The porn imitator, like my former neighbor, screams at the top of their lungs during sex — making sure that any poor soul within earshot knows exactly what they’re doing. (In…

