Quickie: Are Your Deceased Loved Ones Still Communicating With You?

When interpersonal relationships continue from beyond the grave

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by AndrewLozovyi on DepositPhotos

When I was a kid, I played with a Ouija board exactly once. I asked if I was going to get the pet turtle I desperately wanted for so long. The board told me I would.

I never got that turtle. And I never rested my fingers on a Ouija board planchette ever again. Based on what I’ve subsequently seen in horror movies, not trying to curry favor from the dead is probably for the best.

But for some people, communicating with the other side is not about asking for gifts they want to receive from their parents, but instead keeping in touch with those parents, and other loved ones, after they’re no longer alive.

In fact, according to a survey conducted by Sky in conjunction with the release of its supernatural crime-thriller “The Rising,” 42 percent of people said they believe their deceased loved ones can still contact them and 63 percent said they have received communication from someone who has passed.

The most common modes of this communication are:

  • Feeling someone in the room with them (27 percent)
  • Witnessing strange behavior from pets (23 percent)

