Quickie: What Made Your Partner Choose Their Side of the Bed?

It probably didn’t happen by chance

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


A man and woman sleeping on the side of the bed they both chose
Photo by macniak on DepositPhotos

Chances are, you and your partner have made claim to a certain side of the bed. Maybe you both naturally gravitated into a sleep pattern that stuck. Maybe you had to fight to the death to win your spot. Either way, if you and your partner have chosen a particular side of the bed, there may be a good reason for it.

According to a survey of 2,000 people by Slumber Cloud, these are the common reasons they chose one side of the bed over the other:

  • Their side makes it easier to get out of bed (40 percent)
  • Their partner prefers sleeping on the other side (31 percent)
  • Their side has better access to the nightstand (31 percent)
  • Their side makes it easier to watch TV (25 percent)
  • They like to sleep against a wall (18 percent)

“All reasons for sleeping on your side of the bed are good reasons…except for it being uncomfortable,” Katie Mellott of Slumber Cloud explained. “Make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible no matter the spot.”

In order to ensure you get the maximum comfort on either side of the bed, Mellott suggests choosing a pillow with the right firmness and sheets with a…

