Quickie: Do You Choose Sleep Over Sex?

Study shows people prefer rest over a romp

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by Ischukigor on DepositPhotos

In a perfect world, we’d all have enough time and stamina for great sex with our partner and then a great night’s sleep as we bask in the orgasm afterglow. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, we live in a world where we’re stretched thin for time, stressed out, and extremely sleep deprived.

And this sleep deprivation is so bad sometimes that when given a choice, many people will pick sleep over sex.

Sleep deprivation is so bad sometimes that when given a choice, many people will pick sleep over sex.

According to a survey of 1,000 Americans conducted by the Better Sleep Council, 60 percent report that they crave a good night’s sleep over sex with their partner. In fact, some survey respondents are so desperate for slumber that they have actually fallen asleep while doing the deed.

However, the prevalence of sleep versus sex cravings differed among men and women, with 79 percent of women and 42 percent of men saying they wanted sleep over sex, while 58 percent of men and 21 percent of women said they wanted sex over sleep.

Looking for Sleep in All the Wrong Places

