Working From Home? Fit Sex Appointments Into Your Schedule

Spice up your calendar with the best meeting you’ll have all week

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


A pink grapefruit attached to a clock on a pink background (scheduling sex, working from home, remote work, sex while working from home)
Photo by dvulikaia on DepositPhotos

If you’re like me, work meetings are the bane of your professional existence. There’s nothing I hate more during the workday than sitting in a conference room doing a dog and pony show that usually amounts to nothing. But when you work from home, meetings in your pajamas are at least a little bit less tedious.

And when you’re able to have meetings naked, it’s even better.

Put a Sex Break on Your Calendar

“Scheduling it can be sexy.”

There’s no doubt that work has made us busier than ever — even when we have work from home jobs — and couples can be so pressed for time that their sex life may suffer. When this happens, scheduling sex can be a good solution — so if your employer allows remote work, take advantage of your lunchtime to really connect with your partner.

Even if you have to schedule this intimacy ahead of time.

“If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not spontaneously going to happen,” said Jenni Skyler, who is sex toy company Adam & Eve’s resident sexologist. “If you have it on the calendar, you can prepare ahead of time. You can drive home…

