Quickie: Sex on Valentine’s Day? Okay, Cupid!

Survey reveals what people really want to give and receive on Valentine’s Day

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by Preto_perola on DepositPhotos

What do people really want on the most romantic day of the year? A survey conducted by Swagbucks reveals — and it probably comes as a surprise to no one — that sex is one of the top things that both men and women want to give and receive on Valentine’s Day. However, the importance of sex was divided on gender lines: For most men in the study, sex was the number one gift they were excited to receive on Valentine’s Day and although sex was on the list for women, most were more interested in receiving a romantic dinner, a weekend getaway, flowers, and chocolate over sex.

Although people planned to give a variety of gifts to the one they love, they did not plan to break the bank to express their emotions.

In terms of what couples intended to give their partner for Valentine’s Day, the most common gifts men planned to give were a romantic dinner (92 percent), sex (81 percent), flowers (81 percent), chocolate (76 percent), and jewelry (61 percent). The most popular gifts that female survey respondents planned to give were a romantic dinner (90 percent), sex (79 percent), chocolate (61 percent), a weekend…

