Turn Dinner Into a Delightful Debauchery

Up the ante on date night: A not-so-innocent dinner idea

Ena Dahl
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2020


During a recent talk with a good friend about food and its connection to sex, they asked what I would cook for someone if I wanted to seduce them.

I thought long and hard (…) about it, and while I have several delicious recipes up my sleeve, and do like cooking for a lover, there are few things I enjoy more than creating a meal together: Picking out and preparing the ingredients, looking up recipes and adding our own spin to them—all while enjoying stolen kisses and sips from a nice bottle of wine.

I’ve written about the connection between creativity and sexuality, and food, much like sex, is an ideal avenue through which to let our (creative) juices flow.

Ever since I started mingling with other sex-positive folks, my creativity’s been burgeoning as well. Sharing thoughts and fantasies with others allow our minds to expand to new possibilities.

It was during such an exchange that a friend told me about his favorite version of a naughty dinner; to use the veggies as toys with his lover and then cook a meal with them later.

—Ooooo, what a delightfully perverted idea!
(Perverted being a compliment in my book.)



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.