What Is Iglooing? (The Sexual Term Explained)

Everything you need to know

Christopher Kokoski


Cartoon Igoo — What Is Iglooing?
Image by the Author using Jasper Art and Canva

If you haven't heard of the sexual practice of “iglooing,” I'm both ashamed and thrilled to introduce it to you.

However, before I do, I feel obligated to let you know that it’s a pretty graphic sex act.

I certainly couldn’t have guessed what it meant.

If you’re still with me, grab your snow shovel because we’re going full “igloo.”

What Is Iglooing?

There is no polite way to say it.

Iglooging is when you freeze your poop and then use it for penetrative sex. Typically, people freeze a “log” of poop in the freezer, wrapped in a condom.

It’s also called Alaskan Pipeline or, aptly, the igloo kink.

When you think about it, iglooing is in the scat fetish family, with scat standing in for poop or feces.

This means it falls into Scatophilia — more properly known as Coprophilia. You guessed it, feeling sexually aroused by poop.

Types of Iglooing

There are a couple of different types of iglooing.

Here are some of the more common types:

  • Iglooing yourself anally
  • Iglooing yourself vaginally
  • Iglooing others anally
  • Iglooing others vaginally

As you might imagine, you can combine several of these into one big “Eskimo party.”

Group sex, trains, you name it.

What Does Iglooing Someone Mean?

Quite simply it means using the frozen poopcicle as a dildo on a partner.

Anything you could do with a standard dildo (if such a thing exists), you can probably accomplish with the poop dildo. One partner uses the scat to penetrate themselves and/or their partner.

The second partner, in turn, might perform sexual acts on themselves and/or with the first partner.

The scat is held and manually inserted into an orifice.

Gyrations ensue.

Why Do People Igloo?

You might be wondering if there are any benefits to shoving a frozen turd into your orifices.

Well, in fact, there are.

These are the benefits of Iglooing:

  • Sexual pleasure (surprise, surprise)
  • Thrill of the taboo
  • Orgasmic associations

There are some people out there who do things just because they’re not supposed to.

At least according to “polite society.”

But, then again, we’re blowing balloons out of the sky and derailing trains full of chemicals like we’re at an earth-sized arcade. Maybe polite society doesn’t exist anymore.

I can imagine Bill Burr, the comedian, doing a set about iglooing:

It’s like they get a little high off of breaking the rules, you know what I mean? It’s like, “Oh, I shouldn’t do this, but I’m gonna do it anyway.”

And I get it, I do.

There’s something about going against the norm that’s just, I don’t know, exciting, I guess. It’s like when you were a kid and your parents told you not to touch the stove, and what’s the first thing you did?

You touched the damn stove! That’s what you did. You know you did it.

It’s like that, but on a bigger scale.

Some people just wanna push the limits, see how far they can go. And I’m not saying it’s always a good thing, but it’s human nature, you know? We’re curious creatures.

We wanna explore and try new things, even if they’re not exactly… kosher. So, yeah. People do things for the thrill of the taboo. It’s just how it is.

People who indulge in iglooing get sexual pleasure from the idea and physical act.

They orgasm normally through penetration. But their pleasure is multiplied because the orgasm involves scat play and iglooing.

Is Iglooing Safe?

It’s about as safe as a lot of other kinky things adults get into in the bedroom. There’s peeing on each other, pooping into someone’s mouth, snowballing jizz back and forth.

Orgies aside, when you think about it, fucking someone with a frozen stick of poop might be one of the less strange things we do in the bedroom.

If we’re looking at it from a sanitary standpoint, I can actually point to some science published in the Nutrients journal:

Freezing fecal material would indeed impair the growth of some bacteria and as a consequence, other competitive bacteria could grow in their place, triggering a change in other ecological relations such as cross-feeding.

So, good and bad, I guess?

There’s definitely a risk of bacteria, bruising, and quite a mess when the scat starts to thaw.

How Can Someone Actually Enjoy Iglooing?

The same way people enjoy all other kinds of kinks such as humiliation or financial domination (Now that’s a kink I can get into — from the domme point of view — show me the money!)

Science might once again provide the basis of an answer:

We argue that sexual arousal plays a critical role in counteracting disgust-induced avoidance via lowering the threshold for engaging in “disgusting sex.” Following this, all mechanisms that interfere with the generation of sexual arousal or enhance the disgusting properties of sexual stimuli may hamper the functional transition from a sex-avoidance into an approach disposition.

In layman’s terms, when you’re turned on, you feel less disgust.

Disgusting things don’t hit the same way when you’re all wet or all hard, when your body is thrumming with delicious hormones. It’s like arousal shuts down (or mutes) the disgust reflex.

What Is Iglooing Porn?

Yep, you guessed it, iglooing porn is an adult sex video that includes some form of iglooing.

It’s either a solo video or a couple enjoying scat play with a frozen poop dildo. You can find any type if you look hard enough.

Disclaimer: If you’re not into scat play or have a sensitive disgust reflex, get ready for a memorable experience.

Who Is the Iglooing Girl on TikTok?

Whether she wants to be or not, Tegan Jarrie is now known as the Iglooing Girl on TikTok.

In a recent video, she was one of the first to go viral for mentioning something called “iglooing.” Back when most of us were innocently unaware of such a practice.

The caption to her viral video reads:

Whose done iglooing for love? #igloo #fyp #troutlady #iglooing #frozenpoopsicle #whosdoneitbetter

It’s obvious she is playing up the iglooing part to get more views. Just look at those hashtags. I don’t blame her.

To be clear, Tegan doesn’t even claim that she has done iglooing in the video. She just posits a question.

Staring deep into your soul through the camera, she says:

“If the love of your love, the absolute love of your life, asked you to igloo them, would you do it?

Well, dear reader, would you? 👍 or 👎

Other Iglooing Stories

You can find other iglooing stories here:

Here’s an interesting one from TikTok:

TikTok Video by Sexted My Boss — Credit



Christopher Kokoski

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