Go to Short And Random Thoughts
Short And Random Thoughts
A publication for your random thoughts, jokes, and ramblings that are 2 minutes or less.
Note from the editor

A publication for your random thoughts, jokes, and ramblings that are 2 minutes or less.

Go to the profile of Lita
Go placidly amid the noise and haste.
Go to the profile of JD
Do what you want, but want what is good.
Go to the profile of Shanti C K
Shanti C K
Gen X cancer survivor. Childless by circumstance. Thankful for the little angels in my life. Navigating grief & loneliness. Keeping hope in my heart 🩡
Go to the profile of Ishika Singh
Ishika Singh
We all have got only one life. If we don't enjoy, then what's the purpose of living? :)
Go to the profile of Stephanie Mccabe
Stephanie Mccabe
Witch Doctor.Mystic.Tarot Reader.Radical progressive. Starshamans.org /Support my work @patreon.com/Starshaman /Shop @www.etsy.com/shop/MoonbeamTendencies
Go to the profile of Robert K Starr
Robert K Starr
Writer of screenplays and romance novels, but here I tend to focus on feminism and social justice-adjacent topics. I love my dog and also your dog.
Go to the profile of Rampath πŸ’™
Rampath πŸ’™
Just a RAging eMPATH with interests in different categories and tons of opinions, brainstorming with a virtual pen and paper.
Go to the profile of Rui Alves
Rui Alves
Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.
Go to the profile of Johnny Poitras
Johnny Poitras
I am a school counselor in MA where I primarily focus on supporting students mental health. I am a student of life wanting to learn about everything I can!
Go to the profile of Sweet Honeylu
Sweet Honeylu
I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.
Go to the profile of Blair Meadows
Go to the profile of Sarah at 80
Sarah at 80
My life has been a journey, sometimes peaceful, sometimes a wild ride. I navigate by the seat of the pants, and I'm still going.
Go to the profile of Brenda Arledge
Brenda Arledge
My passion is poetry. My muse is sparked by emotion & observation. The world is a giant canvas. It waits on us to paint the detail with our words. (HI writer)
Go to the profile of Mike Grindle
Mike Grindle
Essayist, indie journalist and culture critic. Website: https://mikegrindle.com Newsletter: https://buttondown.email/mikegrindle
Go to the profile of Komal
A Computer Science student who has fallen in love with reading and writing. About me+ Business+Money making+Blogging.
Go to the profile of πŸš€ πŸš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations βœ…πŸΏ
πŸš€ πŸš€ Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations βœ…πŸΏ
πŸš€ βœ… AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit βœ… 🍿Are you going to eat that? βœ… I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut βœ…
Go to the profile of Zeem
I say "Hi" to all my honorable readers and writers out there. I am a hardworking blogpost writer, content writer, mother and an experienced educationist.
Go to the profile of Willow Reed
Willow Reed
Unique stories from a captivating mind.
Go to the profile of AliyaπŸ¦‹
*Master's in Chemistry* Science & Spirituality Researcher*Article &Dairy writer*Sharing My Life Experiences And Studies*Psychology and Philosophy Reader+Writer
Go to the profile of ❀️ ❀️ Never Give Up Ninja ❀️ ❀️
❀️ ❀️ Never Give Up Ninja ❀️ ❀️
"Never Give Up Hope" Mag. Cancer Survivor. PhD! Dancer! Dream more to be more! Never give up. Try again. Help others!