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Signal v. Noise
Signal v. Noise
Strong opinions and shared thoughts on design, business, and technology. Since 1999. Work together the easy way with our all-new version 3 at https://basecamp.com
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Highrise Mobile 3.1 now on iOS AND Android

Just a couple months ago, we announced iOS 3.0 and today we’re thrilled to announce BOTH a 3.1 version for iOS and Android.

For iOS users, since we just released iOS 3.0, this iteration has a lot of tweaks and fixes so you’ll see…

Highrise — Three Years Later…

Three years ago today, Basecamp announced Highrise was spinning off as our own company. We knew we had a good tool on our hands that was already well loved by tens of thousands of users (some of whom are celebrating 10 year anniversaries every day!). So we had to make sure any…

But can you sell water?

A few years back, I did an extended Q&A session at Techstars Chicago. Great group, great questions. I really enjoyed it.

Before the talk, Troy, the guy who ran Techstars Chicago at the time, showed me this board they had propped up on an easel outside the…