July 9–15

This week in SimPEG…

Lindsey Heagy: I have been working on writing up some of the early PhD work I did on…

May 28 — June 3

This week in SimPEG…

Highlights this week are from Craig Miller and Joe Capriotti who both have been using the new Tree Mesh. Joe has re-written and significantly (!) improved the Tree Mesh implementation within discretize 🎉 🎉 🎉

April 16–22

This week in SimPEG…

Thibaut Astic has been working on petrophysically guided inversions. Our petrophysically…

April 2–8

This week in SimPEG…

Thibaut Astic recently submitted an abstract for an open-source implementation of a…

Simulation and parameter estimation in geophysics
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