Jigsaw but a piece amiss
Tortured mind and soul
Failing to find bliss
Thoughts all rotten and foul
Waiting for a prayer
This appalling emptiness
This dungeon of gloom
Where seconds feel like days
And minutes not ending soon
There’s a burden deep inside
Incendiary dreams with a stench of misery,
A bullet ricocheting within my breath
Eyes wide awake but sight all jittery,
Horrors of life and that serenity of death
A selfie with smiles and a kiss on the head
Soft drizzles with petrichor all spread
While it’s easy to drink spirit
And hard to swallow bread
When the darkness of clouds overshadows the rains
And the smell of flowers feel suffocating
While walking, the legs are in chains
And smiles are just facades and irritating
Falling in an abyss, mind plenished with darkness
Dead feelings none amiss, zombies laden with calmness
A breach of trust with a reversal of time
Delusional fortunes and none worth a dime
All black and dirty
That’s who I am
That’s who I was
Delusion and fantasy
A gust of wind
A door left ajar
Rattling and raging
Such thoughts from afar
Like a dewdrop frozen in time
Unnerved and buried aeons ago