SingularityDAO: BNB Chain DynaSet Vote

Jon Grove
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
3 min readMay 30, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

What is the vote about?

As part of our 2022 Roadmap, we revealed that a BNB Chain DynaSet would be launching in Q2. With this event fast approaching, we are at the point where it becomes important to select the tokens that will be included within the set. It seemed only right to turn that decision over to you, the DAO.

The choices

After compiling a list of all tokens available to trade across all DEXs on BNB Chain it became very apparent that offering a list of over 1000 tokens to choose from was less than efficient. For that reason, we will break this event into two rounds of voting. In the first round, we will ask that you choose the ‘category’ of DynaSet. Upon completion, we will release a list of all eligible* tokens within that category for a second round of voting to select the ‘contents’ of that DynaSet.

*When considering eligibility we must take into account several factors, such as daily volume and available liquidity.

The categories

  • MetaVerse/NFT: This DynaSet will include any tokens related to NFTs/Art/Gaming/MetaVerse
  • Layer 1: A DynaSet consisting of layer 1 assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, ChainLink and many others, that are not BNB native, but are wrapped and tradable on BNB Chain
  • DeFi: Any tokens related to DEX/Yield/Farming/LP/Finance/Staking
  • Meme: As the name suggests, likely a lot of dog coins
  • Top BNB Chain Index: No specific category. The largest tokens traded on BNB Chain

The vote

We would like to direct all discussion and debate to the ‘Governance’ channel within the SingularityDAO Discord, feel free to join us to share thoughts, insights, and ideas about the upcoming vote.

The vote itself will be held on Snapshot and will include all ERC-20 and BEP-20 SDAO Governance Tokens held within wallets, LP pools, bonded and unbonded staking. We will not be including tokens within dynSING for governance votes.

The ‘category’ with the most votes received in round 1 will be released as a DynaSet consisting of up to ten of the most voted tokens from the round 2 vote, ‘contents’.

The timeline

  • Announce Vote: 30th May 2022
  • Vote Round 1 Begins: 2nd June 2022, 18:00 UTC+0
  • Vote Round 1 Ends: 6th June 2022, 18:00 UTC+0
  • Round 1 Results Announced: 7th June 2022
  • Round 2 Choices Announced: 7th June 2022
  • Vote Round 2 Begins: 9th June 2022, 18:00 UTC+0
  • Vote Round 2 Ends: 13th June 2022, 18:00 UTC+0
  • Results Announced: 14th June 2022

Upcoming governance events

Within the Q3 2022 Roadmap there was also mention of a ‘community DynaSet’, any feedback received regarding the way this BNB Chain DynaSet vote is handled will be greatly appreciated as we refine the process for these future governance voted DynaSets.

We will continue to ramp up the frequency of governance events over the coming weeks and months, and want to thank you all for your participation.

Be sure to join our social channels to stay up to date with all of this and more.

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Announcements Channel

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