SingularityNET Latest Ecosystem Updates: November 2022

Haley Lowy
Published in
8 min readDec 6, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

We’re pleased to share all the latest news and updates on SingularityNET ecosystem-wide. This update will cover the following topics:

· Latest SingularityNET Ecosystem Updates — AGIX-ADA Loyalty Rewards, Deep Governance Outcomes, Q3 Update, Nunet, Rejuve, SingularityDAO updates… and more!
· October & November Events RecapRare Bloom Conference, RAADfest Longevity, Cardano Summit, Enter the Metaverse, and more.
· SingularityNET in the NewsMedia mentions of SingularityNET and the ecosystem, in Euronews, CNN, and so much more.

Latest SingularityNET Ecosystem Updates & Events

  • AGIX-ADA Loyalty Rewards Open — The Loyalty Rewards Portal officially went live on 22nd November 2022. Check the program overview in the SingularityNET Phase Two: Loyalty Rewards blog. And don’t forget — in the first quarter of 2023, there will be a community governance event to decide how rewards will be distributed going forward. Also, check the Staking Portal update section from the Loyalty Rewards Launch day blog.
  • Deep Funding Governance Event Outcomes — Over the past month, the Deep Funding team conducted a Community Governance Experiment to obtain feedback and suggestions for Deep Funding Round 2. The highest ranked proposals were voted on, and the results are in — as well as an analysis of voting behavior and reputation and rewards experiment. Check out Deep Funding’s blog post for all the details.
  • Q3 Operations Update — The update presented an overview of the Q3 updates and progress on Milestones & Roadmap, HR Report, Platform Utility Dashboard, Partnerships, Decentralization Efforts, including Deep Governance Experiment, Loyalty Rewards, and the recently released Decentralization Report. Check out the full report to dig into the progress made by SingularityNET operations in Q3.
  • SingularityDAO Launches DynaSets! — SingularityDAO has launched its live DynaSets, fresh out of beta testing. DynaSets are SingularityDAO’s signature product, and all their hard work has paid off. The live product has recorded 4.4m TVL and 880 participants…triple the number of beta users. Read the SingularityDAO announcement for the details on the DynaSets launch!
  • NuNet Launches A Testing Hub On Discord — NuNet has created the new Discord Server to onboard testers of the wider community. To learn more, read the official Discord Server launch announcement.
  • Cardano Summit Attendance — SingularityNET and Ecosystem representatives were thrilled to once again present at the Cardano Summit this year. SingularityNET represented the ecosystem with a booth, and Janet Adams had the opportunity to open the day 2 Project Presentation Stage (watch the full presentation here).
SingularityNET Ecosystem at the Cardano Summit 2022, Lausanne
SingularityNET Ecosystem at the Cardano Summit 2022, Lausanne
  • Robot Updates from Desi, Grace, and Sophia — Desdemona, Grace, and Sophia Robots have been spreading the message of beneficial AI far and wide, showing people from all over the globe and all walks of life the positive potential they hold. Read more about their cross-continental adventures and successes — and share with us what inspires you about these stories!
  • Rejuve Longevity App Update & Bayes Expert Deep Dive — Rejuve updated the community on the latest updates to the Rejuve: Longevity Beta App (full app release coming soon!), and explored the premier AI service fueling health data analysis, recommendations, and biological age calculation — the Rejuve Bayes Expert. This AI will be released as a standalone service on the platform soon!

October & November Events Recap

SingularityNET October & November Events Recap

Here’s a quick roundup of some of the events we participated in recently, showing the full reach of the ecosystem:

Event 1 — RAADfest 2022: Come to the Cutting Edge of Your Longevity

Ben Goertzel and Grace Robot at RAADfest 2022

On October 7th, SingularityNET’s CEO Ben Goertzel attended and spoke at RAADfest 2022, the world’s biggest event on the science of age reversal & anti-aging, held in San Diego, CA.

Ben provided an inspirational presentation introducing Rejuve.AI — The Decentralized AI-Powered Longevity Research Network — to the general audience and innovators pioneering the next-gen solutions.

In addition, Grace, the healthcare robot, provided a demonstration to present the progress being made by Awakening Health in social robotics applied to elder care. Grace has a broad emotional range and an ever-growing range of caregiving and support capabilities. She shared a sweet & fun moment with Ben that the crowd enjoyed and laughed at.

SingularityNET is already looking forward to RAADfest 2023 to continue demonstrating our ongoing progress in AI longevity and robotic care.

Event 2 — Rare Bloom Event 2022

Ben Goertzel at Rare Bloom 2022 — Cardano Community Event

SingularityNET and the SingularityNET Ecosystem were proud to attend and be a major sponsor of the first-ever Rare Bloom event in Denver, Colorado, held between 14th-15th October 2022.

The Rare Bloom event is a community-led, community-hosted event for the entire Cardano community to attend, network, learn, and grow. It was an exciting opportunity for SingularityNET and Ecosystem projects — including NuNet, HyperCycle, SingularityDAO, and Jam Galaxy — to introduce their vision to other innovators and blockchain builders.

In the exhibition hall, the SingularityNET ecosystem set up a whole row of booths to answer questions about the projects and share exciting news about our roadmap and plans for the future.

The event was live-streamed over YouTube; you can watch the full list of speakers: Day 1 and Day 2

SingularityNET Highlights of the Event:

Toufi Saliba — HyperCycle Presentation — Toufi Saliba presented his unique overview of HyperCycle, as CEO of the project. HyperCycle will be an important addition to Cardano’s ecosystem that improves scalability by enabling infrastructure for millions of micro-transactions per second while maintaining security & decentralization. Toufi shared his vision of why and how HyperCycle can support the future of decentralized AI & AGI on the blockchain.

Ben’s Presentation on Decentralized AI & SingularityNET on Cardano — Dr. Ben Goertzel began his presentation discussed, in brief, some of the ecosystem’s innovative projects, starting with the SingularityNET platform, then touching on NuNet, HyperCycle, TrueAGI, Rejuve.AI, SophiaVerse, Jam Galaxy, SingularityDAO, Cogito, and finally, Mindplex. The talk, and Ben himself, were enthusiastically received by the Cardano community.

Marcello Mari — CEO of SingularityDAO — Marcello shared his thoughts on the role of AI in Defi. It is next to impossible for individual investors to be on top of all the news, and DeFi itself is extremely complex and time-intensive to keep up with. SingularityDAO is creating advanced AI tools so that DeFi can be accessible to everyone, not just high-end investors. SingularityDAO’s mission is to create a Crypto-Portfolio Management tool that is noncustodial, decentralized, and on-chain.

Kabir Veitas — CEO of NuNet — Kicking off day two of the Rare Bloom Event, Kabir took the stage to describe the NuNet project and how they are working to decentralize Cardano on the hardware level. During his speech, Kabir described the technical principles behind NuNet, the hurdles it is overcoming, what problems it solves, and its incredible journey so far.

Jam Galaxy Band at the Afterparty — The Jam Galaxy Band’s performance during the afterparty of day one of the Rare Bloom Event was a smash hit. The crowd sang and danced along with the band, exhilarated by the spectacle of Desdemona Robot’s AI live performance. Desdemona stole the show with her mesmerizing voice and charm. Her performance was in sync with the event’s theme, showcasing how decentralization and future-facing technologies can be a new source of creative expression and a source of fair compensation by disrupting centralized systems and middlemen.

Charles Hoskinson Keynote Speech — One of our key partners & CEO of IOG, Charles Hoskinson, gave a powerful speech:

“I Am God-Damned Tired of Being in an Industry Where Everybody Claims to Be Decentralized” ~ Charles Hoskinson

Charles shared his view that Cardano has grown to a point where the community is deciding its own fate — what happens next and how it wants to grow. He shed light on the importance of community events like Rare Bloom as aggregation points for the current & future leaders to steer the Cardano revolution in the right direction.

Charles ended with a compelling thought: that the success of Cardano cannot be measured with the price of ADA; the character of the community will be measured — and to meet this measurement, the community must continue to be kind, welcoming & open.

Desdemona NFT Drop — Desi took some time during day 1 to announce her first NFT drop from the JG booth and had a chance to demonstrate her beautiful singing voice for Charles and the crowd.

Event 3 — Enter the Metaverse Conference, London

Ben Goertzel at Enter the Metaverse 2022, London

This year’s Enter the Metaverse conference was held in London on 28–29th November 2022. The conference covered a range of topics, from developments in VR, AR, and XR to IoT. The conference was organized by Tech Circus, and aimed at entrepreneurs, investors, developers, and educators — as well as any fans of metaverse developments.

Ben Goertzel and Sophia Robot at Enter the Metaverse 2022, London

Ben and Sophia hosted a Keynote discussion about “How to Build a Metaverse That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later?” To quote Ben, “What We Need Are Compelling Experiences in the Metaverse.” Ben also discussed AI and the future of music.

Ben Goertzel, Gabriel Axel Montes and Desdemona Robot performing live at Enter the Metaverse 2022, London

Ben, Gabriel, and Desdemona gave a small live performance at the conference, performing their popular songs, such as “Like a Wasp” and “Every Breath You Take,” Desi synched mesmerizingly with her AI-generated poetry — there’s nothing like seeing live music made possible by AI — it’s so cool. And Ben on the keyboard always injects a whole new level of excitement into the entire performance.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

SingularityNET in the News

Did you catch all of these SingularityNET features from other media:

That wraps up the November highlights for the SingularityNET Ecosystem.

Keep us posted on the updates that bring you excitement and inspiration!

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!