New meta of 7.21

Published in
11 min readFeb 19, 2019


Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Today with you your faithful vassal — SirAzAzeL. Today we need to speak about one of the most important questions for all people who play in the such a professional discipline as Dota 2 which a big part of the esports and at all gaming industry is. There was a new update which rebalanced the game in some way, so you are able to see several heroes more often than others. It is a really interesting theme which can help you to get additional knowledge about the style which you need to use to win almost every game. So, lets keep moving and watch on some core facts which you need to keep in mind to be better in this game and increase your skill in this wonderful game. We will divide this passage on two pats to give you some knowledge and time which you are able to use to understand information from each of them. All in all, you are able to get some more information on several themes on our main site where I posted some interesting guides and passages on esports topics:

Can you earn a lot of money in esports sphere?

Factors which can help you to get better in betting sphere and “look in future”

How you are able to get better in Dota 2

How you are able to get better in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Dota 2 heroes: Intelligence, Strength, Agility.

Meta definition

All of us know that there are some things in our life which is really important for every person on this planet. We are trying to save them as long as possible to get pleasure from them, but as a result of time passing by we are able to see a fact of destroying of the thing which makes us upset. From this point we need to buy something new and adapt to the benefits or disadvantages of certain model of a thing or even though we need to make another lifestyle which will be connected with this thing special for it. All in all, we need to change our behavior for certain reason and make our life great again to be more productive and be more powerful at all. There are a lot of examples in our life such as changing of our working place or changing our old car for a new one and getting better at driving and get more comfort our of it. All in all, we need some changings in our life to get better and be a part of a global evolution of our world which we are able to see every day in our usual life.

In the gaming sphere we are able to see the same fact which adaptation to several changings is which were made by creators or developers of the certain professional discipline, so we need to adapt our old Meta to a new Meta. If we want to get a definition of a word “Meta” then we need to understand a usual behavior of a professional or non-professional gamers all over the world. They are trying to be better in the game, so they use certain strategies, heroes and weapons which is really overpowered. About overpowered heroes you are able to read in another blog which will be quite interesting for you as an additional information.

So, we are able to mention that Meta at all mean that you are use something which have more advantages than other heroes/weapons in the game than other heroes/weapons. All in all, with some changings of a play which we are able to face with updates which are made by creators or developers of the game, we need to change our chosen heroes which we want to use in the game to have greater effect of win sticks which we are able to meet in the game. Also, we need to train some heroes which was unpopular some days or month ago, so you need to play a lot of games on them to get better in the game and in the nowadays Meta at all. So, we will discuss some changings which we faced some days ago with a new patch which was involved in the game such as Dota 2 by creators who are IceFrog and learn some new strategies which will help you for sure to be better in you play and in the game at all. Also, we are providing you some interesting information about argue which was between such companies as Blizzard Entertainment and IceFrog which is really interesting to know about.

What in nowadays playstyle Meta?

All of us have some kind of history behind their back, so we are able to say about them some good or bad things and give a short conclusion about the person at all. Nowadays, we are able to get a lot of interesting information which can be very useful for in different sphere of our life. We are able to use some facts which we know from history of our country or even from history of foreign country in our work to increase our productivity or even to get some opportunities which will increase our income or give to us a chance to get some free money. All in all, information which we need to learn able to provide to us some additional abilities along our life. So, what we need to know to be better in everything which is connected with our usual life? Answer is really simple, you need to structure all information which you have in several niches which will make it really easy for you to get better. All information which will be structured will work for you and gaming sphere is not an exemption. All in all, to be better in it we need to know some history of a professional gaming of certain professional discipline or at least to know some fact which will help you to become better. It can be everything which you need to know such as option which you need to put on and use in the game to have better skill and ability to have a better reaction, some knowledge about skill and their work to be use them better and know in what situation what character you need. All these facts make the game not as easy as you think about it for the first time you played in it.

So, with an understanding that you need some information to be better in this game especially if there was a new update which changed nowadays Meta a little bit, you need to get some information and another question which you need to ask is — Where I am able to get this information? There are a lot of place where you are able to find appropriate information about certain game and read about some changes which were involved in the game with a last update. All in all, you need to try it on yourself and only then go to a new ranked matchmaking which was created by the developers of the game which is Dota 2. There are new strategies which you need to know to get better rank from the very beginning or to boost it in future.

Now, we are able to give to you some advises which will help you to pick right hero and win a game easily. These heroes will work for you in a positive way which will you an advantage on nowadays battleground. There re several possible way in which you are able to go while you will play in the ranking match.

First way which you are able to go is to get some kind of a pushing strategy which will work pretty well in this Meta. There are several heroes which will be really good for this strategy and give to you a really good boost from the very beginning of the match:


It is a really good hero of nowadays Meta which was not boosted at all, but he is somehow increase his win rate on such site which is Dotabuff on which you are able to see you current skill level on which you usually play and other facts with which you are able to choose some heroes which will be really good for these days of playing.

With his familiars he is able to kill enemy from the 6 LVL and also push towers very fast which will give a good boost to all your team and also increase your chance to win. All in all, you are able to boost this hero by picking a DrowRanger on a core position which will give him a boost as on the lanning stage as in future because of a speed buff which his familiars get from the DrowRanger. Also, your core will be able to boost familiars with her third spell which will give to them even more additional attack speed.


This hero is also a good option to pick because of the mobility which was changes in the patch 7.21. Developer of the game increased his move speed which make him to feel more comfortable on the stage of lanning and also along the game because of the possibility to catch his enemy and punish it. Also, you will have good abilities which will help you against strength heroes and also give you a possibility of using a first spell which work as a Black King Bar in the game and provides you also a good amount of additional attack speed.

All in all, you are able to boost this hero by picking a good support which will give him a good start and also, will boost him along all game long. On the position of support, you are able to pick such heroes as Ogre Magi or Vengeful Spirit. They have a control ability which will be also useful along the game for other core heroes of your team.


If you played in an old version of the game, you remember this hero by the name which is Wisp. It was a very powerful hero in this game and especially in professional gaming sphere where we were able to see this hero in the ban list every single game of a professional scene. His power was really great and now we faced a new update which made him even stronger than he was some month ago. Nowadays you are able to see him as in professional matches as in usual matches of our favorite game. With his new reworked abilities, he is able to be the best support in the game which will increase a power of each hero in your team.

With a recent change now, he is able to heal characters on who he used his first ability which is Teaser all time long without a need of being on a lot heath or even to lose heath at all. It is a very good thing because of the possibility to feel more comfortable on the lane and give a passive regen to your core with which you are standing. All in all, you are able to give to your core a burst heal with some Healing Slaves or some items which providing you some kind of regeneration of health or mana which is very useful along some fight which will give to your core some more time which he of she is able to use and kill enemy team.

Also, we saw a new changed third spell which is now providing a good ability to boost your core hero with a good bonus of attack speed which will help him as in farming on the lane and jungle as in killing even all enemy team with this buff. Also, with a reworked mechanic you are now able to use this spell every ten second, but with no loss of your current health. It is a prefect synergy with changing of a first spell which is Teaser because of possibility to be with a full health bar for all game long. Also, you will steal reduce all damage which will get your target on which you will cast third ability with Teaser. We need to keep in mind that Io is skill have this imbalanced talent on 15 level which provide him a possibility to give an effect of an Aghanim Scepter to the ally hero with whom he is connected with his first spell. It provides to your team to pick some heroes who have buffs which they are able to get with Aghanim Scepter. All in all, this hero can deal a really good impact in the game with a good core position which he can boost as on a mid-lane as on carry position.

In addition, we need to speak about one more change which was done by creators of the game which give an old possibility to Io which makes him again able to move while he is using his ultimate which provide him a good possibility to escape from danger heroes or even to help his teammate to escape from the fight. You are able to use this ability before you will Teaser to some ally hero to teleport him on your base momentum. It will help you to save his life for sure.


One of the best heroes to play now because of the opportunity which provided with recent changes of his move speed which provides him more mobility which means that it will be easies to catch some heroes all over the map. The core problem which had this hero was his mobility as all around the map as on the lanning stage which. This upgrade of this hero will provide him more possibilities along the game especially from the very beginning of the game because of the possibility to catch some heroes if you will buy such an item as Orb of Venom which will reduce enemy’s movement speed and will give you an opportunity to stack your third passive. All in all, it is a great chance to practice this hero and rank up by picking him. Be careful because of the range heroes who can control Ursa Warrior such as DrowRanger or someone like her. They will make pressure on you by slowing down your movement speed which will mean that you will not be able to use Blink to get away from the fight. Also, this hero is very good in combination with good supports which is one of the strongest supports of this patch — Io.

All in all, we are having a lot of changing here and we need to understand all thing which will influence on our play. We need to play a lot of games before we will have a huge win streaks which will provide to us a good boost of MMR. Train a lot and see you soon in the next blog!

Your faithful vassal,




Editor for

Professional player with high rate in games: Dota 2–6500 MMR; CSGO — “GLobal”. Coaching skill in playing&betting in esports disciplines.