Credit: Anne Bonfert


A Flock of Cranes Flying Toward the Sun

October Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Collections”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readOct 27, 2022


Safety in Numbers. Always toward paradise.

It was just another morning. Every morning begins with the rising sun but it’s just not every morning that you get to see the colors in the sky.

This morning was special. The birds could feel the beauty of the day long before the first light appeared on the horizon. The cranes were flying into the fields announcing their arrival with loud calls.

And just as I opened the door of our trailer I saw the first glimpse of what was supposed to be the most beautiful sunrise I’d ever seen.

The cranes were arriving in flocks. Each group was organized like a collection. Crossing the sky from east to west they were aiming for the best feeding grounds.

All I wanted to do was press pause and experience this moment forever.

Since that didn’t work, I just took out my camera and tried my best in capturing the moment.

Collections in the sky.

This is a writing prompt response to the October challenge inspired by Sandi Parsons: “Collections: October Prompt



Anne Bonfert
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.