Top Stories published by SlideMagic in 2009

Motion graphics — blending presentations and animated video

You should design a presentation for an online audience in a different way than those for a live audience. Software such as Adobe After Effects are bringing the graphical tools traditionally used in professional video…

Why does Helvetica look so great on a Mac and so poor on a PC?

I like the clean Helvetica font in print material. I like the Helvetica font in presentations designed on a Mac. Somehow, the PC version does not appeal.

Zooming around with pptPlex and Prezi

I wrote about pptPlex and Prezi before, but for the first time I actually spend some real time to get into the details with 2 tools to let you design presentations on a big canvas, which you can mover around during a presentation, and you can zoom in and out of.

PowerPoint template colors and color blindness

My Vincent van Gogh color set from a few days ago is not very good for people suffering from red-green color blindness.

Use Vischeck to test your own templates. To do so, you need to “save as” a PowerPoint page as “PNG”.

Typography basics: readability, legibility, and impact

I am reading an article in Layers Magazine with a good summary about the basics of typography:

  • Readability: how easy is it to read a long block of text
  • Legibility: how easy is it to…

These were the top 10 stories published by SlideMagic in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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