Top Stories published by SlideMagic in April of 2010

Christoph Niemann and LEGO presentations

Christoph Niemann (web site) is a highly talented artist whose illustrations have appeared on magazine covers ranging from the New Yorker to Wired. He posts on a regular basis on his blog in the New York Times, where this set of cartoons based on Google maps…

Dealing with ugly corporate templates

Corporate PowerPoint templates are often (in fact, most of the time) too busy and too cluttered for presentation design. Lots of graphics that is repeated on each page, big logos with reflections, legal disclaimers, huge page numbers, all of this eats valuable…

HTML5 and presentations

HTML5 is a major revision of the HTML language that powers web pages (Wikipedia link for the details). You can find an example of a presentation designed entirely in HTML5 here. Use the cursor left and right keys to navigate between slides. The presentation does not have a good design…

Drawing stick figures

The original PowerPoint stick figure (screen bean) clip art has been overused (although I miss him sometimes). Hand-drawn stick figures can be the basis for an original presentation. This small presentation by Betsy Streeter provides some useful (and funny) suggestions on how to draw them.

Credible customer testimonials

An excellent post on copy blogger: hardly anyone reads/believes a customer testimonial. They all sound the same, they use sugary language and buzz words, they are one sided.

Presentation lessons from TEDx Tel Aviv

I had the privilege to attend TEDx Tel Aviv. It was a wonderful day. Some (random) observations:

  • 18 minutes are great: short enough to keep the audience attention, but long enough to cover the most complex subject material. Anyone can…

CNN-style lettering tape

A semi transparent overly is one way to keep text readable over busy images (previous post). CNN uses a different one: black and colorful bars behind white text. The length of the bar varies with the length of the text that it covers.

These were the top 10 stories published by SlideMagic in April of 2010. You can also dive into daily archives for April of 2010 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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