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Small Is Beautiful
An international course which takes place simultaneously at Mumbai (RSIEA) and Jerusalem (Bezalel). The course focuses on integrating practice and knowledge from different design disciplines in order to develop innovative design solutions for micro living spaces.
Note from the editor

An international course which takes place simultaneously at Mumbai (RSIEA) and Jerusalem (Bezalel). The course focuses on integrating practice and knowledge from different design disciplines in order to develop innovative design solutions for micro living spaces.

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Go to the profile of Itamar {Sam} Conforti
Go to the profile of michal elzur
Go to the profile of dvir bach
Go to the profile of Rachana Sansad Institute
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Go to the profile of Noa Afek
Go to the profile of Einav Afgin
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Go to the profile of Shira Ben Israel
Go to the profile of EliyaM
Go to the profile of eilam sklar
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