New Writing Prompt for Small Steps

Roz Andrews
Small Steps
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2 min readAug 11, 2020

An inspirational quote can make you stop and think. It can motivate you to do something you’ve been putting off for ages.

I’ve been collecting and sharing inspirational quotes for many years — and I still come across many I’ve never heard of before! With this is in mind, this month’s writing prompt is:

“Which are the most inspiring quotes that have helped you move forward in life?”

How did the quote inspire you to take a particular course of action? Did the quote change a pattern of thinking? How did it challenge you?

You could write about just one quote or up to five quotes, as Anne Emerick did in 5 Quotes to Inspire You to Take That First Small Step.

In 5 Inspiring Quotes to Empower You to Change Your Life, I have shared the five quotes that have inspired me most to make changes in my life.

Include the tag Inspirational Quotes when submitting your story to Small Steps. Please send your stories by September 15th.

If you haven’t already written for Small Steps, check out the writing guidelines and leave a comment if you’re not already a writer.

If you’d like to write on another topic, please feel free to do so!

I look forward to reading your contributions!

Responses to the First Writing Prompt

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

A big thank you to Pierre Trudel and Vic Womersley for your contributions to Small Steps’s first writing prompt, which was:

“What small steps can you take to improve your finances today?”

Pierre focused on how families can save money by eating more healthily. In Courage to Change Improves Your Plight, he demonstrates how, contrary to popular opinion, healthy food choices cost less than unhealthy options.

Vic delves into the psychology of saving money in Tiny Steps to a Big Savings Pot. She describes how you can easily change the way you feel about saving by taking just a few small, easy steps. Over time, you will build up a large savings pot. This article was curated in the Money section of Medium.

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Best wishes,

Roz Andrews

Founder of Small Steps



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.