Remember Your Why, It Will Lead You to Your How

Remember your why? Because if you don't, your how is gonna get pretty wonky

Small Steps
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Sarah slumped back in her chair, fingers hovering over the keyboard as she stared at the blinking cursor with dread. She knew she needed to tackle that big project proposal, but a voice inside kept whispering, “You have no clue how to even start this monstrosity.”

Can you relate to Sarah’s plight? We’ve all been there — paralyzed by the overwhelming ‘how’ when we should be laser-focused on the ‘why’. It’s the eternal tug-of-war between inspiration and execution, between the heart’s passionate yearning and the mind’s pragmatic problem-solving.

But what if I told you the secret lies in flipping the script? What if remembering your deepest ‘why’ is actually the key that unlocks the gateway to the ‘how’?

The Power of Purpose

Imagine for a moment that you’re a knight-errant, burgundy cape billowing in the crisp morning breeze. You’ve sworn a solemn oath to rescue the enchanted princess from the clutches of the fearsome .docx dragon.

With clarity of purpose burning in your heart, obstacles merely become hurdles to leap over. The how — forging your sword, studying the castle blueprints, packing tuna sandwiches for the journey — those logistics naturally fall into place when your why shines like a beacon in the fog.

That’s the magic of tapping into your deeper motivations. Maybe your why is providing for your family, leaving a legacy, or simply proving to yourself that you have what it takes. Whatever it is, let it be your North Star, your rallying cry.

Now grab a quill (or a keyboard, if you must) and draft a manifesto declaring your intentions to the universe. Emblazon it on the wallpaper of your mind. Because when the going gets tough and those ‘how’ whispers get louder, you’ll remember why you’re doing this. And that’s half the battle.

The Art of Leaving Breadcrumb Trails

Of course, knowing your why is only the first step. You’ll still have to navigate the twists and turns of the how labyrinth. But here’s the secret, my fellow Ypovengers (those of us who are finding motivation through our ‘why’) — with your motivational why as your compass, you can blaze a trail by following these small steps:

  1. Befriend the Baby Step Gremlin: Break big, hairy goals into tiny, manageable quests that provide encouraging wins to keep you going.
  2. Become a Life Hacker: Batch tasks, time-box judiciously, and curate systems and habits that make productive pathways second nature.
  3. Master the Pivot: When you hit an obstacle, get scrappy! Look for creative detours and back doors to bypass roadblocks.
  4. Recruit a Coterie of Crayons: Share your colorful why with others; their encouragement and advice can provide crucial breadcrumbs.
  5. Set Boundaries: That needy how-voice can be a Stage 5 Clinger. Practice saying “no” so it doesn’t hijack your why.

The Path to Eureka Moments

At the end of the day, the journey is what imparts the lessons, not the destination. So embrace the magic in those little “aha!” moments that light up like fireflies in the underbrush of your mind. Relish in the silliness of self-discovery and side quests.

Because here’s the paradoxical truth, my quest companions: When you wholeheartedly pursue your why, the how somehow cosmic shifts into place around you. So keep answering that eternal rallying call from within. And watch how the path unfurls before your brave, stumbling feet.

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Small Steps

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy