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Smock Review
Serious, not serious art reviews
Note from the editor

Smock Review is a digital art journal. But it’s not just any art journal. The critiques here, in case you have not noticed already, are obviously completely made up and ridiculous. We fabricate histories or critiques of pieces of art or doodles, and we do so with a lot of imagination and humor. Why? Well, for a few reasons. Mainly, because it’s fun, but also to help us look at some art a little more seriously, while taking contemporary art and art critcism in “the real world” perhaps a bit less seriously. At Smock, we want to celebrate freely-created artistic works and honor fantastical thoughts, nonsense and absurdity. We are here to entertain and maybe to help you get back in touch with the creative sides of you.

Go to the profile of Shannon Frandsen
Shannon Frandsen
American expat living in Thailand. A daydream writer. A ruthless editor and sometimes a photographer, too. Travels for stories. Searches for wisdom.
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