Covering The Basics On Periscope

Carolina Romero
Social Media 101
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2015

The first thing you need to understand is that as Periscope is still quite a new tool:

Your potential followers might need some teaching and guiding.

Though it may seem too basic, if you want to get more followers, ask people who are watching you to follow! People might not know how to follow you, not know that by following you they’ll get notifications on your future broadcasts. Therefore, as you speak, indicate your audience how to follow you on Periscope. You may say something like @Alexpettitt does: “swipe up if you are using an Android device; swipe left-to-right if you are on an iOS. Tap on my user name, then tap on the ‘follow’ button.” Take into account that people might be coming and going to your broadcast, so repeat this instructions several times.

The same goes to getting more Twitter followers. Tell your audience that they can follow you on Twitter without leaving your Periscope broadcast! People will do so if they like what they’re seeing, and they are curious to know more.

Another thing you should have in mind is that:

On Periscope, it’s all about being active, both the broadcaster and the audience.

As for the broadcaster, always keep it moving. Don’t be static. People that watch you expect something to happen. Talk. Move. Sing. Dance. Whatever you want. But do something because if not, people will bet bored and will leave the streaming.

At the same time, request for your audience’s attention and action. Ask people to tap on the screen if they like what they’re seeing, to ask and comment on what you’re doing. People who comment and ‘heart’ are more likely to stay on your broadcast.

Just ask people to tap, tap, tap.

Asking and commenting goes both ways: people ask and you answer, or you ask ans people answer through comments. Just by asking people to comment where they are from, and what’s the time in there, you can create engagement (and get know your audience in the meantime).

Even silly ideas can be a success on Periscope. I’ve recently seen a broadcast from a guy that asked people to ‘heart’, saying that if he got to a certain number of hearts, he would have his hair cut. Brilliant! His broadcast was flooded with hearts, and the interaction was constant.

The key to engagement is thanking. As in any other aspect of social life, thanking is caring. Thank people for their hearts, sharing, commenting, and watching.

Based on all these ideas, here’s the checklist for any Periscope broadcast.

Hope this ideas are useful for you! Feel free to comment and/or ask.

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Carolina Romero
Social Media 101

Writer. Editor. | Social Media Manager | English<>Spanish translator | Passionate and curious learner.