California Winemaker Gets Small

I was reading this article in the New York Times on the train to (of all places, New York) yesterday morning, and I was struck by the winegrower’s new focus on getting small.

Om Malik’s 3 Macro Trends Transforming the Web

Om Malik highlights 3 big trends that are transforming the web experience.

  1. The web is transitioning from mere interactivity to a more dynamic, real-time web where read-write functions are heading towards balanced…

Call + Response

I just saw a special advance screening of the film Call + Response the other evening, and was blown away by the powerful and inspiring “rockumentary” about modern day slavery. With powerful footage of children and women forced into slavery for prostitution, labor or war, the film blends musical…

The Wall Street Journal Talks Twitter for Business

The WSJ has a good article on the business applications for Twitter. A few money quotes and examples:

  • Twitter can be useful for keeping up with friends, but businesses are also finding ways to employ it. Daniel…
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