Top Stories published by SocialRank in July of 2016

Onboarding Documents For SocialRank and Market Intel — July 2016 Edition

In March we shared new versions of the SocialRank onboarding documents so that you can the most out of SocialRank. In just a few months we’ve already released tons of new features and improvements, and so…

Most Frequent Location

In the past we’ve added updates to the Location filter in order to provide more context around why accounts show up in a result. Today we are pushing an additional update that will show the location an account posts most frequently from.

Account Summary: In Depth Review

SocialRank is useful for getting very granular data, but what if you wanted to see a snapshot of all your followers or a search query you’ve made?

We released a new feature called “Summary,” in May, that let’s you do just that. Now you can see…

Emoji Search On SocialRank

Back in March we released the Word + Hashtag filter for Twitter and it was so popular that later in June we released the feature for Instagram as well. We’re always updating features to make sure you get the most out of SocialRank — and so by popular demand we’ve added the Emoji…