Top Stories published by SocialRank in September of 2017

Power User Tricks: Flag Emoji Bio Search

We at SocialRank are eager to share new and helpful ways to utilize our software. When sorting through an audience base, there are always additional tips to apply that can result in a more powerful search and comprehensive data.

New Feature: Engagement Rate

SocialRank is always looking to help users find the most granular data on the audience members they’re searching for.

On each Profile Card, we have added a new metric titled: Engagement Rate

New Feature: Introducing Grid View

We are happy to introduce the new look: Grid View.

Now when users log on to SocialRank, they will have the option to switch over to a grid view, a sleek and more efficient way to sort through data.

Power User Tricks: Bot Discovery

SocialRank provides users the ability to find granular data on an audience. In the era of bots, fake…

Post-Type in Summary

SocialRank provides users with the ability to dive deep into their audience. Understanding what style of content a following prefers can influence the way a brand or individual frames their own information.