DNA Tests — Mostly Harmless

Mostly Harmless” died in a yellow tent about a thousand miles away from where he started hiking the Appalachian Trail. (Mostly Harmless was a trail nickname given to the unidentified man) There was no indication of foul play, but even after two years detectives are still unable…

Education Cyber Security

At age 17, Jaggar Henry gave a security presentation not to his high school class, but to the entire school district board. Through some investigation and security probing of the software his district used, he was able to obtain the social security numbers of his fellow students, as…

Creativity: Copy, Transform, Combine

My code is a remix, your code is a remix. Almost everything is a remix. When I code for school assignments I copy simple examples from the textbook, I transform online examples to match my needs, and I combine together small bits of code from these various sources…

Society Adjusted
Society Adjusted
A blog discussing how computer have changed society, and how society has adapted in response.
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