Go to Plain Text by Panaxeo
Plain Text by Panaxeo
We type a lot. Mostly code. Sometimes words.
Note from the editor

We are Panaxeo. This is our blog. You are the reader. Nice to meet you.

Go to the profile of Panaxeo
Crazy good at software, mediocre at blogging. https://www.panaxeo.com
Go to the profile of Adam Okruhlica
Adam Okruhlica
A walking dad.
Go to the profile of Zuzana Kadecka
Zuzana Kadecka
A live person.
Go to the profile of Adam Okruhlica
Adam Okruhlica
A walking dad.
Go to the profile of Zuzana Kadecka
Zuzana Kadecka
A live person.
Go to the profile of Peter Cíbik
Peter Cíbik
I’m a project manager at Panaxeo. I mostly deal with mobile app development and all it entails.
Go to the profile of Miloš Blaško
Miloš Blaško
Software developer. Startup enthusiast. http://miloshes.sk