8 Steps to a Creative Soloist Career

Jake Goldbas, drummer, musical director, educator and collaborator shares his hard earned wisdom on building a thriving career in the arts

Don’t be Afraid of Hearing “No”

C&J Nutrition share their journey to building a nutrition consulting, counseling, and communications company

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The Price is Right

We help you crunch the numbers to get to the annual salary you want

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Insider Guide: Doing What you Love is Worth the Hard Work

Lisa Lehmann, owner and designer at Studio Jewel

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Insider Guide: Move Without Fear

Chelsea Aguiar Offers Inspiration- “The World Needs You”

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The Key to Acquiring High Value Clients

Hone In On Your Unique Offerings and Attract the Best Clients for You

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You Need a Business Plan

Don’t worry, it’s not that difficult

By Susan Johnston Taylor

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Insider Guide: How I Started my Solo Business to Travel the World

Tangie Seals, Business Coach for Millennial Entrepreneurs

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Soloist Collective
Soloist Collective
Where independent professionals can find stories and best practices for running a successful Solo practice.
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