Sexy As F*ck

I’ve fallen in love with a voice

Nicky Dee


Photo by Leonardo Sanches on Unsplash

I’ve been recovering from a major breakup.

For two years.

I know, right?

I’m finally about ready to start dating again. It usually takes me around seven years to be ready to try again after a serious relationship. So this is actually a pretty fast re-entry into the realm of hope that getting this right is even possible for me now.

I break Tinder a lot.

I have been dating someone in my head for the last year or so, instead.

It’s been going well. He gets me. Also. It’s safe and uncomplicated.

But having someone to actually adventure with, in the real world, would be pretty cool too.

Also. I can’t remember the last time I was intimate with another whole human. I suspect I’m not the only one after this bizarre turn of events that we all currently find ourselves stuck in. It takes me a while to warm up to people so this could go on for some years if history repeats itself.

Seems a shame to waste good years, worrying about what could possibly go wrong.

If there was ever any motivation to get over whatever fear is holding us back from jumping in and doing shit that we are avoiding because we are a bit scared, and hence missing out on new experiences, then I guess a Zombie Apocalypse proper is near the top of the list.

We should probably take this approach to life, permanently.

Because nothing is permanent.

“Life is pretty short, and it goes by pretty fast,” as one cool human noted in the ’80s. We should enjoy it while we can. Fear is not a good thing to base decisions on. Ever.

But I was going to share the voice that I fell in love with some time ago with you.

Because it is a fucking great voice!

I’m a highly auditory person. Sound matters to me. A lot.

I can’t stand shopping, for example. The hum of fluorescent lights in malls and the humdrum busi-ness of consumerism is unbearable.

I enter malls only for short and absolutely necessary bursts.

I enjoy very long periods of total silence as well.

I ask for voice notes early on, during online dating conversations, because if I don’t like a voice there is no hope for the romance. None. At all.

There’s a quote that goes:

“Half of love is in the voice”

I can’t find the original reference, but it goes something like that anyway. And it’s very much like that. For me. Maybe even more than half.

I also use music, a great deal, to alter my mood and change my day as preferred. This works. An uplifting set of tunes can alter your mindset substantially. I have one on standby for less sparkly days. Highly recommended.

I couldn’t live without music. I chose to not move to a place outside of the city (that is my home away from home) because they don’t allow music on site.

Despite the fact that this is the place that I feel the happiest and most myself.

I can’t even. Live without music. I suspect those of you reading this feel very much the same.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I love it all.

Except for alternative/experimental Jazz (I just can’t get my head around it, but I don’t know enough about Jazz tbh); hardcore Opera (can’t bear the Soprano mostly — it’s the pitch); and super cheesy Country (unless it’s Johhny Cash, of course)

The rest of it I love.

I have a visual Fine Arts degree, but I strongly believe that music is the purest form of art.

Not my concept. Wassily Kandinsky's.

Kandinsky is one of my favorite painters, not because I like the look of his work, but because he was a fucking visionary. And brave.

He is the father of “Abstract Art.”

And here is how it happened…

Kandinsky had a deep interest in Classical Music and he noted (excuse the pun) that Musical Compositions could elicit emotional responses in the listener, despite the fact that they had no figurative associations/words/literal stories.

One day, he came back from a meander and discovered one of his landscapes, accidentally left upside down, against a wall. Instead of turning it the right way up, he just looked at it for a bit and suddenly realized that visual art also had the ability to evoke emotions in the viewer, even if it didn’t depict anything figurative.

That’s the art jargon from Uni coming out. You learn to use the right words and you can pretty much get through any year and still party on.

So basically, he figured (excuse the pun, again) that a painting could be totally abstract, yet it could still be considered “Art” with a capital A because it made people feel stuff.

And so began the concept of “Abstract Art.”

He even began to call his paintings “Compositions.”

Cool, huh?

Wassily Kandinsky, Composition VII, 1913, Oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Image is taken from W Art Website, from a great post, talking more about this incredible artist.

People sometimes say that they don’t enjoy Electronic music (EDM) because it isn’t real music.

I have to disagree.

EDM is very much a modern version of Classical Music. There are some absolutely mindblowing tracks, that are entirely “abstract,” that really take you on an incredible journey of feeling and imagination through sound alone.

But the track that I want to share isn’t that.

This is, specifically, a “House” track, if you don’t know much about the genres of EDM (and there are a ton).

With lyrics. And a story.

A story about love. With this voice and a sexy as fuck bassline.

A voice that, as I have already mentioned, I have fallen “Deep House” in love with. At the risk of repeating myself.

This super groovy track has been instrumental (I know, more puns but who could resist?) in encouraging me to reconnect to both myself and the possibilities, after a really dark time, and to find hope again.

Because that is what music can do. Which is pretty fucking amazing!

If you are going to bail at this point I urge you to stick around and have a listen to this one, and I totally dare you to get up, have a dance (because nobody is watching) and enter the weekend with a bit of joy.

Why do we stop dancing?

Never stop the dance!

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